Social Media Marketing

Snapchat Ads Best Practices: 4 Tools to Help You Create High-Converting Ads

Snapchat Ads can be lucrative; there are plenty of case studies that have demonstrated this, coming from small and large brands alike. While a lot of it comes down to strong campaigns and being able to connect with that younger demographic as we mentioned in The Benefits of Snapchat Ads, there are several best practices that you can use to increase the likelihood of overall success.

Snapchat Ads Best Practices: Reliable tips to keep in mind

Consider using more Collection Ads:

Collection Ads seem to be a little like Facebook’s carousel ads ( carousel ads perform 10 times better than regular ads ) in terms of results, and some research has found that advertisers using this ad format have seen between 4.1 to 17 times higher engagement rates than they had with standard Snap Ads. Incorporate more of the Collection Ads into your campaign mix whenever possible and see how they work for you.

Go heavy on A/B testing:

This is always a solid best practice in marketing, but we’ve noticed that sometimes this is forgotten about on Snapchat for some reason (possibly because it requires changes in the full ad creative, not a simple tweak in ad copy). Make split testing a core part of your strategy. Not only will it help you keep your ad campaigns fresh and users engaged, but it’s also the best way to see what works best on this platform. And that’s important to bot immediate and long-term success.

Don’t get comfortable with overlapping platform content: 

Story Ads on Instagram and Facebook may look the same, but different audiences respond to different messaging, so keep that in mind. You can create content used for cross-platform advertising, but pay close attention to each platform’s analytics; what works well in Instagram’s Story Ads may not in Snapchat, and vice versa.

Have fun with it:

You should absolutely, hands-down be strategic. That’s crucial for the success of your campaign. You should also have fun, however. Let your hair down, and show off the quirky side of your brand. Toss in emojis, use fun text, and stay as casual as possible. People won’t engage with content on Snapchat if it doesn’t engage them, period.

Keep it short:

You don’t have that long for traditional Story Ads, but ideally, you’ll keep it even shorter than the not-so-long max length. According to Snapchat themselves, it’s best to keep conventional Story Ads between 3-5 seconds long for maximum conversion potential.

And now let’s move to the 4 Tools to Help You Create High-Converting Snapchat Ads you can get help from digital marketing agencies like Socializer.

4 Tools that help you Create High Converting Snapchat Campaigns:


which has drag-and-drop design software and a full list of templates that you can use to create those interesting, graphics-heavy and full-of-personality visuals that your audience wants to see. Snappa only does still images, not video, but it’s a great resource if that’s what you’re looking for.  Other alternatives similar include Canva and Easil.


Stories Ads

Which is marketed for Instagram Stories, but the same content can work for your Snap Ads, too. It’s a free tool that’s the video template version of Snappa/Canva/Easil; you just need to add in images or video clips to the template to create a seamless, high-engaging video.


Which is a little like a paid version of StoriesAds. More customization options are available here, and you can completely arrange the video templates however you see fit. Want to add in extra text or emojis? Do it! Like Snappa, this tool also comes complete with enormous stock photo libraries and makes it easy to import images and videos from your other social channels.


Pepper filters

which makes it easier than ever to create outstanding quality Geofilters, no graphic designer needed. They’ve got templates ready to go and use much of the same drag-and-drop technology we’ve seen so far with our other tools.


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Adespresso: Snapchat Guide

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